Wednesday 28 February 2018

Mohammed's Yummy Musakhan Rolls Recipe!

Musakhan rolls recipe

500 gram chicken breasts 1 peeled red onion Salt Black pepper 3 cardamom seeds Bay leaf Chicken stock cube @maggiarabia 1/2 cup olive oil 3 tbsp pine nuts 3 finely chopped red onions 1 tsp citric acid* Salt 3 tbsp sumac Ruqaq bread* - wash the chicken with salt and water - in a pot add chicken and water and bring to boil - remove any fat on the surface of the water, and once removed add the peeled onion, salt and pepper, cardamom, bay leaf and chicken stock cube @maggiarabia - cover the pot and leave over medium heat for one hour - strain the chicken and start to shred it using to forks to pull it apart - in the same pot (after clearing it) add the olive oil and roast the pine nuts on medium heat - remove the pine nuts from heat and and the onions to the oil - cook the onions until soft - add citric acid, salt and sumac to the onions - add the shredded chicken and pine nuts to the onions - cut the ruqaq bread into 10X10 cm squares - add a tablespoon of chicken mix to each square, fold the sides and roll - place the rolls in a baking pan, cover with foil and bake for 20 mins in medium heat - serve with plain yogurt *I was only able to find these ingredients in Arabic stores

Mohammed's Delicious Kabli Rice with Beef Recipe!

Kabli Rice with Beef Recipe!

2 cups Basmati rice 4 tbsp vegetable oil 1/2 kilo stewing beef (cubes) 1 peeled red onion 3 cardamom seeds Bay leaf Beef stock cube @maggiarabia Salt Black pepper 3 finely chopped red onions 3 tbsp of Kabuli rice spices @esnadfoods 1 tsp citric acid 2 tbsp tomato paste Peel and juice of two large naval oranges 2 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes 3 large carrots peeled and chopped 1 tbsp Kadi water Saffron Toasted slivered almonds and raisins (optional) - wash and soak your rice in warm water and set aside - in a pot heat 1 tbsp vegetable and add beef just until the colour changes (approximately 5 mins) - add boiling water - remove any fat on the surface of the water, and once removed add the peeled onion, salt and pepper, cardamom, bay leaf and beef stock cube @maggiarabia - cover the pot and leave over medium heat for one hour - strain the beef and set the beef stock aside - heat the remaining 3 tbsps of vegetable oil and add the chopped onions - cook the onions until soft and brown in color - add the spices, salt and citric acid - add the tomato paste, orange peel and juice - add the previously cooked beef - add the chopped carrots and potatoes - add the beef stock to the pot until ingredients are covered - cook for 45 mins over medium heat - taste your stew and make sure it has enough salt and spices before adding the rice - add the previously soaked rice and make sure the water is 1 inch above - cover the pot and cook over relatively low heat until the rice absorbs all the fluid - add Kadi water and saffron - cover for 5 mins and remove from heat - add the toasted almonds and raisins - serve with Indian raita

Rukhsar's Creamy Chia Pudding

Abrar's Healthy Cauliflower Wrap Recipe!

Cauliflower wrap


Wrap Ingredients:
1 head of cauliflower cut into florets
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon curry powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Toppings: (these can be ANYTHING, but here are my preferences)
Lettuce/mixed greens
Olives (I LOVE them)
Mixed pickles (LOVE)
Pita bread/tortilla
Hummus (either homemade or store bought)

Homemade hummus ingredients:
1 cup of dry chickpeas soaked for 8-12 hours and cooked for about 3 hours on medium-low heat in a covered pot. (You can use canned chickpeas but I definitely recommend dry, it makes a difference in taste!)
2 tablespoons Tahini (you can buy this from a middle eastern store or the international isle of most grocery stores)
Salt and pepper to taste
Juice of one lemon
1 clove of garlic (optional)
Olive oil


Preheat the oven to 400 ̊ F
Line a baking tray with parchment paper
Add oil, salt and pepper, curry powder to cauliflower florets  and mix well.
Lay in a single layer on the baking tray and put in the oven for 20 mins.
In the meantime you can make the hummus (if you are making from scratch)
Place your chickpeas in the food processor; add the tahini, salt, garlic and lemon juice. Pulse for about a minute. With the processor still running, slowly drizzle in the olive oil and keep drizzling until the hummus reaches the desired consistency. (Maximum add ¼ cup olive oil, if the consistency isn’t reached add water or lemon juice, depending on your taste preference)
If you want a lighter hummus you can replace the olive oil with a little more lemon juice and water.
Note: Some people remove the skin off the hummus before putting it in the food processor. If you’d like a smoother consistency go for it. But I’m super lazy and never do it! :p
Now it’s time to assemble your wrap.
I typically use pita bread but tortillas will definitely work too!
Spread the hummus on the wrap, top with cauliflower and your desired toppings.

Abrar's d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s Persian bean soup (Ash) recipe!

Ash (Super healthy and delicious Persian bean soup)

This is a time consuming soup but the results are really yummy!
Before Ata kills me, this is my take on the recipe and is probably not the authentic Ash recipe

Mixed dry beans (I buy a soup mix that has 5-6 varieties of beans but you can use whatever beans you prefer. The authentic recipe uses kidney beans and chickpeas) I soak about 1.5 cups of beans
2 large onions
4-5 garlic cloves
2 teaspoons Turmeric
0.5 cups of green lentils
2 teaspoons Coriander
2 teaspoons Cumin
15 stems of Dill
15 stems of cilantro
15 stems of parsley
Chives/green onions
1 pack/bag of baby spinach
Egg noodles/spaghettini (thinner noodle)
Salt to taste
Juice from lemon or lime to taste

Soak the mixed beans for 8-12 hours
Chop the onions lengthwise into thin strips
In a large pot, sautee the onion in a little oil
When the onion turns translucent add the minced garlic
Sautee for about 30 seconds or until garlic is fragrant
Add the spices (turmeric, coriander and cumin)
Top with the soaked beans and mix well
Add enough water to cover the beans by about 1 inch and bring to a boil, season with salt and pepper to taste
Lower the heat and leave it simmer for 2 hours
Add the rinsed green lentils to the pot and stir, cook for an additional ½ hour
Roughly chop the dill, cilantro, parsley and chives/green onion.
Add the herbs to the soup followed by spinach a bunch at a time until it is all wilted and incorporated into the soup. Add the noodles and stir
Let it cook for an additional 15 mins (or until all the beans are cooked to your preference), taste the soup and adjust the salt and seasonings.
Throughout the cooking process keep an eye on the soup, stir often and add water when necessary. You don’t want it to be too thin nor too think
Finally, finish the soup with lemon or lime juice to your preference

Rukhsar's Easy Oatmeal Cookies

mash 1 banana add either 1 packet of instant flavoured oatmeal or some steal cut or rolled oats if adding plain oats, add a flavouring o...