Wednesday 28 February 2018

Mohammed's Delicious Kabli Rice with Beef Recipe!

Kabli Rice with Beef Recipe!

2 cups Basmati rice 4 tbsp vegetable oil 1/2 kilo stewing beef (cubes) 1 peeled red onion 3 cardamom seeds Bay leaf Beef stock cube @maggiarabia Salt Black pepper 3 finely chopped red onions 3 tbsp of Kabuli rice spices @esnadfoods 1 tsp citric acid 2 tbsp tomato paste Peel and juice of two large naval oranges 2 large russet potatoes, peeled and cut into medium-sized cubes 3 large carrots peeled and chopped 1 tbsp Kadi water Saffron Toasted slivered almonds and raisins (optional) - wash and soak your rice in warm water and set aside - in a pot heat 1 tbsp vegetable and add beef just until the colour changes (approximately 5 mins) - add boiling water - remove any fat on the surface of the water, and once removed add the peeled onion, salt and pepper, cardamom, bay leaf and beef stock cube @maggiarabia - cover the pot and leave over medium heat for one hour - strain the beef and set the beef stock aside - heat the remaining 3 tbsps of vegetable oil and add the chopped onions - cook the onions until soft and brown in color - add the spices, salt and citric acid - add the tomato paste, orange peel and juice - add the previously cooked beef - add the chopped carrots and potatoes - add the beef stock to the pot until ingredients are covered - cook for 45 mins over medium heat - taste your stew and make sure it has enough salt and spices before adding the rice - add the previously soaked rice and make sure the water is 1 inch above - cover the pot and cook over relatively low heat until the rice absorbs all the fluid - add Kadi water and saffron - cover for 5 mins and remove from heat - add the toasted almonds and raisins - serve with Indian raita

1 comment:

  1. Please follow @noodlepathologist at instagram for more recipes!


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