Wednesday 28 February 2018

Mohammed's Yummy Musakhan Rolls Recipe!

Musakhan rolls recipe

500 gram chicken breasts 1 peeled red onion Salt Black pepper 3 cardamom seeds Bay leaf Chicken stock cube @maggiarabia 1/2 cup olive oil 3 tbsp pine nuts 3 finely chopped red onions 1 tsp citric acid* Salt 3 tbsp sumac Ruqaq bread* - wash the chicken with salt and water - in a pot add chicken and water and bring to boil - remove any fat on the surface of the water, and once removed add the peeled onion, salt and pepper, cardamom, bay leaf and chicken stock cube @maggiarabia - cover the pot and leave over medium heat for one hour - strain the chicken and start to shred it using to forks to pull it apart - in the same pot (after clearing it) add the olive oil and roast the pine nuts on medium heat - remove the pine nuts from heat and and the onions to the oil - cook the onions until soft - add citric acid, salt and sumac to the onions - add the shredded chicken and pine nuts to the onions - cut the ruqaq bread into 10X10 cm squares - add a tablespoon of chicken mix to each square, fold the sides and roll - place the rolls in a baking pan, cover with foil and bake for 20 mins in medium heat - serve with plain yogurt *I was only able to find these ingredients in Arabic stores


  1. Please follow @noodlepathologist at instagram for more recipes!

  2. Mohammed, your wife is so talented!! I love Musakhan!!


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