Wednesday 28 February 2018

Abrar's d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s Persian bean soup (Ash) recipe!

Ash (Super healthy and delicious Persian bean soup)

This is a time consuming soup but the results are really yummy!
Before Ata kills me, this is my take on the recipe and is probably not the authentic Ash recipe

Mixed dry beans (I buy a soup mix that has 5-6 varieties of beans but you can use whatever beans you prefer. The authentic recipe uses kidney beans and chickpeas) I soak about 1.5 cups of beans
2 large onions
4-5 garlic cloves
2 teaspoons Turmeric
0.5 cups of green lentils
2 teaspoons Coriander
2 teaspoons Cumin
15 stems of Dill
15 stems of cilantro
15 stems of parsley
Chives/green onions
1 pack/bag of baby spinach
Egg noodles/spaghettini (thinner noodle)
Salt to taste
Juice from lemon or lime to taste

Soak the mixed beans for 8-12 hours
Chop the onions lengthwise into thin strips
In a large pot, sautee the onion in a little oil
When the onion turns translucent add the minced garlic
Sautee for about 30 seconds or until garlic is fragrant
Add the spices (turmeric, coriander and cumin)
Top with the soaked beans and mix well
Add enough water to cover the beans by about 1 inch and bring to a boil, season with salt and pepper to taste
Lower the heat and leave it simmer for 2 hours
Add the rinsed green lentils to the pot and stir, cook for an additional ½ hour
Roughly chop the dill, cilantro, parsley and chives/green onion.
Add the herbs to the soup followed by spinach a bunch at a time until it is all wilted and incorporated into the soup. Add the noodles and stir
Let it cook for an additional 15 mins (or until all the beans are cooked to your preference), taste the soup and adjust the salt and seasonings.
Throughout the cooking process keep an eye on the soup, stir often and add water when necessary. You don’t want it to be too thin nor too think
Finally, finish the soup with lemon or lime juice to your preference

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