Monday 5 March 2018

Nazia's Super Delicious Peri Peri Chicken!

Nazia’s Peri-Peri Chicken Recipe:

1.     Red bell pepper -1
2.     Lemon juice -1
3.     Chillies- according to taste (1-5)
4.     Salt- 2tsp
5.     Paprika- 2 tsp
6.     Dark Vinegar- 1/4th cup
7.     Black Pepper- 1 tsp
8.     Oregano- 1 tsp
9.     Olive oil- 1/2 Cup
10.  Garlic- 5- 6 cloves
11.  Chicken legs 5-6 pieces

·       Put all the ingredients in a mixer except for lemon juice
·       Grind them till the mixture has a smooth texture
·       Heat the mixture in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes at medium heat
·       Mix lemon juice after heating the mixture
·       The sauce is ready!!!
·       You can preserve the sauce in the refrigerator for up to 15 days.
·       Marinate chicken with the sauce and refrigerate overnight
·       Bake chicken in the oven at 400֯ F for 35-40 minutes. Turn over the pieces halfway. You can cover the chicken during the 1st half of the baking process to preserve the moisture.

1 comment:

  1. I've never had Peri Peri chicken before!! On my meal plan for next week :)


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