Tuesday 13 February 2018

Abrar's Fun Falafel Recipe!

- Chickpeas (2 cups dry)
- 1 medium onion, roughly chopped
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- Fresh dill (about 15 stems)
- Fresh parsley (about 20 stems)
- Ground coriander seed
- Ground cumin seed
- Salt and Pepper
- Flour
- Baking powder (optional)
- Sesame seeds (about 1/3 cup) Optional

So full disclosure, I don’t have a measured recipe per se, I just throw things together and that’s kind of why two batches never taste the same! (Also why I don’t have quantities above^)
Start by soaking your chickpeas, for 12 to 24 hours. I find the longer you soak the better, but don’t go beyond 24 hours. Drain the water and soak with different water every 8 hours. (to prevent the beans from fermenting)
Once your beans are soaked rinse them and dry them as best as you can. 
Place them in a food processor with the onion, garlic, dill, parsley and spices and pulse, you want a texture that resembles rough sand. It’s ok if it’s not all the same texture; that makes the end result better.
Pour it into a bowl and add about 2 tablespoons of flour, a tablespoon of baking powder and the sesame seeds. (the baking powder is optional but results in fluffier, airier falafel) and mix. Now you have to test if the batter is ready for frying or if it needs more flour. Grab a spoonful of the mixture and squeeze it into your hand, if it holds together its ready, if not add more flour until you achieve this. 
Now you are ready to ball, but what I usually do is fry a test one to adjust salt and seasoning.
To ball them up, grab a spoonful and squeeze it in your hand. You can fry immediately or freeze for a later date. You can also bake them but the result won’t be the same.
To fry them heat oil in a pan. You want enough oil to deep fry the falafel. Oil temperature is really important, you want it hot enough to fry it and cook it thoroughly. So not so hot that the outside cooks and the inside is raw and not so cold that the fritter absorbs all the oil.
If you have an oil thermometer, you want 350 degrees.
Fry until golden brown and enjoy!!

1 comment:

  1. Vendela and I tried the recipe, and it was easy and delicious!- Kristia


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